Monday, March 21, 2011

Dream 50: Silence

There was a group of people that my grandmother let move into the house. I didn't trust them, and I got this bad vibe from them. She didn't though. They started living with us. I found out that they were practicing black magic. I trapped myself in the bathroom one day. They found me in the bathroom, but wouldn't come near me. I had drawn a marking on the floor in black light marker so they couldn't see it. They sensed it though. It was a spell to freeze them in pain. They wanted to hurt me. They hated me for putting the spell on the floor. Somehow they made me walk through it, and I was the one who was poisoned by the spell. Afterwards, they bound me. I couldn't speak at all. I especially couldn't tell anyone what they were. My grandmother tried talking to me, and I couldn't talk. They just watched me like it was funny. She knew something was wrong though because I couldn't talk. She just brushed it off and went her own way while I was stuck with them. They laughed at me, and then I woke up. (Attached is the spell I put on the floor)

Dream 49: Saved

I was with a group of friends in some building. Two friends took an elevator down. Another friend took the same elevator down after them because they wanted to be alone. He got in the elevator and pressed down, when his nose started to bleed. He realized then that something was wrong, and he wasn't going to make it down. He tried leaving the elevator before the doors closed, but as he walked through the doors, they closed on him. They killed him instantly. The other two friends who went down before him, went to catch a train. The girl got her hair stuck on a pole. The pole was stuck on the train tracks, and as the train went by it pulled her under, killing her. Shortly after, a guy came out with a shotgun threatening to kill everyone. There was a baby laying on the ground that came out of nowhere. It turned into an angel. I saw a bright light. The angel used magic and cloaked us all. We were hidden to the naked eye. Another train was coming down the tracks and crashed into the other one. It blew up, and the angel's light saved us all. It was like a shield.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dream 48: Vampire Nurse

I was online talking to a vampire that I had been donating energy to for a long time. I talked to him a lot, and I trusted him. He asked me a few times before, but I still said over and over that I wasn't sure because I was afraid. He asked me if I would donate blood to him instead of just energy now. I said like I always said. He started arguing with me about me not wanting to donate blood, and I got upset. He got even more mad and said that he would find me and force me. He didn't even know where I lived. I figured that since he didn't know, I had nothing to worry about. I told him to never contact me again.

A few days later I see him in public and try to escape. I get home, and he's there waiting for me inside my house. I panic and try running, but he catches me. I cry and ask him how he found me. He was a nurse, and his name was Kristopher. He told me that he used hospital records to find me. Everything that I've talked to him about before linked up with my profile somehow.

He had a syringe with a sedative in it. He held me down as I struggled and fought him. I screamed, and I tried to call for help. I dialed 911, and they answered. He told me, "Don't even try it." I cried and hung the phone up. He had a knife to my throat. He jammed the needle into my arm and drugged me. I was so out of it, and everything around me started spinning. All I remembered was him wrapping a tourniquet around my arm and placing a needle in my vein that was attached to a tube. My blood slowly drained into a container from the tubing, and he drank from the container. I saw blood dripping from all over his face, down onto his clothes. He was still wearing his nurse's outfit.

Then I woke up.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dream 47: Panther

I was walking along the highway, and there was an accident. Someone was killed that I knew. Someone who was close to me. Her dad came over to me and hugged me. There was a man who apologized so much for the accident. He must have been the one who hit her. Her father said he didn't want to even speak to the man. That he would rather be with his daughter and be left alone. The man was taken to jail, and we stayed behind. Everyone had cleared away, and then I went home.

At night I came to the place of the accident to see it. I walked about 100 feet down the road, and there was a driveway leading down to a closed off area. There were two huge cages, side by side, built into the mountain. Out came a black panther from the cage that was open. It came running up to me and pounced, but I stayed sitting still on the ground. I grabbed it's legs and held it still. I sang to it and pet it, softly and slowly, to calm it. It started to calm down and purred.

I became close to the panther that night. It curled up beside me, and it fell asleep. I would pet it and sing to it always. When someone would get close to me, it would stalk them and growl, not letting them near me. It was protecting me. I fell in love with this beautiful panther. It was my guardian.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dream 46: Michelle Belanger

I owned a book by Michelle Belanger. I didn't quite understand it, and I saw she was going to be at a book signing. I went to see here, and I asked her about the book. There was a part in the back of the book, like a quiz, to see what your symbol was. I didn't understand it. She helped me figure it out. My spirit was an energetic spirit and my symbol was a sparrow. She connected to my energy to find this out. We became friends, and she showed me things. We also stayed in touch. I'm not sure what the sparrow quite mean though. She gave me a charm with a sparrow on it to keep with me for luck. She left and then I woke up.

I'm not sure why I would dream of Michelle Belanger other than I think she is an awesome person. I wouldn't mind meeting her for real. Not sure if being an energetic spirit and sparrow mean anything either.

Dream 45: Merlin

I owned my own house, and Toby lived with me. Merlin came to me with ancient books and his cat. The cat was a short haired dark smokey color with a fluffy tabby striped tail. It was cute. Merlin told me about the worlds that these book were about. Each world had a rare magical creature that lived in it. Merlin told me that he would fly on different creatures to each world so that he could save these creatures and bring them back to my house to keep safe temporarily. I agreed and off he went. I remember him going to three worlds. To get to the third world, he flew on a black dragon that had blue flames around the edges of the wings. In the third world, there were black creatures that reminded me of peacocks. The only difference was that the feathers were extremely light and fluffy and all black except for the tail feathers, which were black but the ends had round glowing rainbow circles on them like the design of a peacock feather. It was so beautiful. I was cleaning up the left over feathers as the creatures were leaving and noticed Merlin's cat under my dresser chewing on and playing with a humongous dead rat. I screamed and threw the rat outside. Well I actually kicked it out the door and I yelled at the cat. He just looked at me. I told him if he wanted it he would have to go outside with it. Then he ran outside after it and I came in to relax. Then I woke up.

Dream 44: Dream Journey

It started off as a stormy day. Uncle Rick was driving me to work, and he asked if Johnny mowed the yard one last time before winter starts. I said no and Uncle Rick got mad. Hail, lightning, thunder, and heavy winds all started. I'm not sure if it was because of his anger or not.

The dream then switched to me driving to a local school on a stormy day. The school was haunted by demons. I went inside, and people were fighting floating swords with swords of their own. Swords flew off of the walls and down from the ceiling, stabbing people and killing them. I helped and fought off the demonic presence.

Then the dream switched to me in a darkened school. Very few lights were on. A band was practicing in an auditorium or gymnasium. They just couldn't get anything right. This girl appeared and inspired them. She then left the room and none of them remembered her. I went after her, and she looked at me. She said it was her mission to inspire them for if she failed, she wouldn't be able to enter Heaven. Her wings appeared. She was so happy, and then suddenly I told her that her soul belonged to me. She was damned all along. I snapped my fingers, and her wings burned off. She screamed and cried. Then I whistled, and she started to shake because, even though she couldn't see them, she knew they were there. I started walking away, my back towards her. She cried and then all I heard was screaming as the hell hounds ripped her apart.

The dream then switched to me in love with a real vampire. He's immortal. He has long hair, pale skin, and pale blue eyes. The tall, dark, and handsome type. His eyes, when in sunlight, bleed. Around the pale blue iris you can see blood running out. He has to hide his eyes or blood tears run out of them where people could see. It's why he wears sunglasses. He seduces me all of the time. I don't mind it. We sleep together, and he feeds from me. It's very pleasurable. I overheard him one day on the phone, saying to one of his friends in his coven, that if he feeds from me so many times I either turn or die. It's my choice. The venom just builds up and being bitten too many times will kill me. I was walking down the street one day with him holding my hand, and he finally told me this. He knew I was listening to his conversation. I didn't want to die so I ran. He chased me. I called for help, and he caught up with me. He came up from behind, holding me against him, with one arm around my neck. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. He asked me if I told them where he lived and I said that I did. He said that I should prepare a funeral then because they'll be killed on sight. I cried, and he took me back to his place and locked me up. He wanted me to decide what I wanted now. To live eternally as a vampire or die. I was scared and crying. I was confused and didn't know what to do. I didn't want to die, but didn't want to be the evil thing that he was. I chose death. He came after me to kill me, and I screamed. Then I woke up.

Dream 43: The Ritual

I lived on my own. I was out late and fiddling with my keys to my door. I lived in the city. A man came behind me, and I dropped my keys. He smiled as I stared at him. He picked up my keys and helped me with my door. He just looked in my eyes, and I felt entranced. I invited him in, and he took me to bed. I woke up in the morning alone. That night he showed up again. I asked him who he was. He told me he was Dracula. He showed me his teeth. My heart raced. He told me it was okay, that he was here to protect me. I ran to a house down the block. I fell and noticed that the house looked like my exact house. I went inside anyway. This old lady knew I was coming and let me in. I locked all doors and windows. Dracula beat on the windows with his hands. He formed wings and flew to the top floor beating on the windows. I hid. A group of young kids (teenagers) came in the house. They were terrorizing the old lady and then ripped her heart out. My friend was with them along with 4 other hearts in a jar. They surrounded me. They said my blood was the key to unlocking their freedom. I got scared and unlocked the window. I invited Dracula in. He came in and started fighting off the kids. Some of them started chanting in an ancient language. My body shook and burned. My eyes rolled back into my head. I thought I was having a seizure. Dracula cried out for me. I heard someone say he was the first, but they killed the last of the "first forsaken" ones. They tried going after me. Dracula told them not to touch me, or he'd kill them. I was still shaking as they ripped the fifth and final heart from my friend's chest. He picked me up and flew out the window with me before they could stop him. He saved me. He chanted something, and I stopped shaking. He cared about me. I could see it in his eyes. He took me somewhere. He layed me down on a bed. I held his hand, and I pulled him towards me. I kissed him, and then I whispered in his ear, "Take me. I want you to take me. Make me like you." I felt a burning desire go through all of my body. I ran my thumb across his fang while my hand was on his cheek. So sharp and long. I feared the pain. It was like he knew. He calmed me and told me it was okay. He would make it painless. He kissed me passionately and the kissed my neck all the way down to the nape of my neck. Very soft yet loving and desirable kisses. My heart pounded faster, but he knew it wasn't because I was afraid. I wanted him. I wanted him to touch me all over. He smiled. I was so entranced by my need for him and by my desires, I was lost in them. His fangs extended, and I could feel them scrape across my skin. I leaned my head to the side as if I was telling him to do it. He leaned down slowly. His fangs pressed against my neck, and then I felt them pierce my skin. I felt the blood leaving me, but he was right. He made it pleasurable. It was like heat and desire burning through me. My blood pounding. I could feel every vein in my body throbbing. I moaned softly in his ear. I drank from him, and everything was enhanced. I was starting to turn when I woke up.

Dream 42: Heaven Sent

I was in a peaceful place. Dad was there too. So was Shortie. He was happy. He smiled at me and hugged me. I could have cried. I've missed him so much. To see him now was like a miracle. He came to tell me that he found Shortie, and that he was okay and happy where he was. This peace was filled with light. A state of peacefulness where nothing could go wrong. He had gotten Shortie a huge plate of pork chops piled high. Shortie jumped up and down really high like he used to when he was excited. He was eating, and Dad told me it was time for me to go, but I didn't want to. I wanted to cry. He just hugged me and told me that it would be okay. He told me to remember the numbers "21" and "55". I still don't know what it means, but I will remember it always just in case I need it in the future. I love you and miss you, Dad.

Dream 41: Arena

I was in an arena with a crowd of other people. We were in a death match. The last one standing was the winner. Everyone fought hard, and at the end I was a winner. It was a tie with someone else. A big robotic bull came and rammed me through the stomach from behind with one horn and the other person with the other horn. It didn't hurt us though because we healed instantly. We were transported back to the main house. It was night, and were put on patrol to protect people inside. Were were in the shadows, but someone spotted us. They threw a beam of light, like a laser, at the other person I was teamed up with. The beam had cut his head off on contact. That was when I realized I could do the same. I could use beams with my hands like they could. I formed just little balls of light at first, which when they hit the ground, exploded in front of them throwing them back a few feet. I realized if I spread my fingers apart it forms the long thin beam that killed my partner. I threw the beam at them. It killed them. There was a tattoo on my wrist glowing red after the beams killed them. It was an arcane circle with runic symbols all around and through it. This magic was a part of me. I was born with it. Now I'm using it to protect everyone.

Dream 40: Feeding

I was laying in bed, fully asleep. That's when I felt it. I felt pain in the side of my neck. I could feel something scrape against the surface and then pierce the skin. His teeth digging in hard. I could hear the wet sound he made, and I knew what he was doing. I heard his voice. He enjoyed this so much. When I finally was fully awake, the pain started to intensify. I started fighting, but he told me fighting would only make it hurt more. I stopped fighting. I saw his face when he stopped, and he grinned. Blood was on his lips. I was weak and unable to move. I looked into his eyes and was lost. In a trance. That was when I jerked awake. It was around 5:30 am. My neck actually had hurt just as bad as it did in my dream when I woke up. It still hurts now, and it's noon. It was one of those dreams where you aren't sure if you were awake or sleeping. I actually had to get up and look in the mirror to see if there were any marks on my neck. There was nothing. But the pain was still there. Was I dreaming?

Dream 39: Tigress

I was in an unfamiliar house. I had a son and my grandmother lived with us. I was sleeping, and she woke me up, scared. I asked what was wrong, and it was because of my son. He was laughing devilishly. He smiled grimly with wide eyes. He said, "They're here!" His face changed. Distorted. His eyes were dark except the round circle of silver glowing in the middle. His teeth, where there was once baby teeth with one tooth missing because he just lost it used to be, were now sharp, jagged and razor sharp. All of them were. He crouched down to attack me. I crouched down and then it took over me. I growled at him and roared. I sounded like a tiger. I realized I had turned into a white tiger. I stalked him and leaped for the attack, to rip out his throat and kill him, for that evil thing inside, I knew would never leave. In mid-pounce, I woke up.

Dream 38: Wave Of Death

There was a huge formal party at a mansion. Kids were playing with toys inside while the grown-ups were outside drinking and having conversation. I was inside preparing food and everything. I heard screams, and the sky grew dark outside. Then I looked out the window, and all I saw were gray, dead, lifeless formally dressed bodies crashing with the waves against the house. Everyone was dead. The kids hid downstairs thinking they'd be safe under the basement steps. I saw those people, and I had a feeling that I could care less that they were dead. I despised them. I was happy they were gone. The water outside was 100 feet or so over the house. It was spinning and swirling around the house. The house was untouched, but everything else outside, including people, cars, and trees were flooded and demolished.

Dream 37: Damon & Stefan

I was in my great-grandmother's house in Reading, Pa. I lived there. Her old bedroom is mine now. tefan was in my room at the desk reading. I came downstairs, and it was dark. I was just going to get a drink. I went to turn on the light when Damon came around the corner and scared me. I screamed and woke up.

(I must watch too much Vampire Diaries for this dream to happen lol.)

Dream 36: Blood On The Walls

I was scraping paint off of the hallway wall to strip it and repaint. As I scraped it off I saw symbols smeared on the wall in blood. You could tell someone used their finger to smear it. It looked like finger paints. You could also tell it was real blood because it was a rusty brown from drying and being there for so long. I noticed that the symbols were satanic symbols. I kept scraping at the walls and more was appearing. I was scared and didn't want to admit that they were there. My bathroom door was shut and so was my grandmother's closet door. Red light as dark as blood creeped out of the edges of the doors. The doors opened slightly on their own. They were slamming shut and opening up, over and over, faster and faster. My grandmother paid no attention to it and she was in her bedroom watching TV and doing word searches. Then her bedroom door shut tight. I tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. Once I finally got it open, everyone was gone. I had heard her scream and the door opened. Now she was gone. The symbol on the wall were gone. Like nothing happened.

Dream 35: Temptation

I was in a beautiful meadow. My hair was down and shining like it had streaks of gold. The sun was bright; not cloud in the sky. I was wearing a long white gown. There's trees surrounding the meadowed area. It's in a circular area. In the middle of the meadow, there was an old pavilion looking building. It was all dried wood. It almost looked like it would crumble just from touching it. Just then a crow flew down, swooping over onto a ledge in the pavilion. I followed it, and saw it perched, watching me. I turned my back and the the crow disappeared. I heard someone behind me. I turned and saw a man. He wa wearing tight black pants, no shirt, a necklace, and he was barefooted. He was about 5'10" or 5'11" with short black hair and dark eyes (looking black from where I stood). He grinned at me. I noticed then that I was staring at him the way he was staring at me. It was the way you eye someone up, checking them out, taking them all in. I blushed, completely embarrassed. He walked towards me slowly. I lost my balance and stumbled backwards a few steps. I felt like I couldn't breathe. He started talking to me, but I couldn't understand him. His lips were moving, but there was no sound. All I could hear was everything else around. He pulled me towards him, jerking me, pulling me tightly against his body. I lost my breath. I could feel my blood burn like fire. My thoughts were jumbled. I just looked into hi black eyes and was lost. Then out of nowhere, I felt his lips pressed against mine, and then move to my neck. That's when I felt something sharp against my skin. At that moment I couldn't think. Thoughts were swimming in and out. I felt like I was going to faint. My heart and blood was still pounding hard and burning like fire under the surface. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I just gave in. I thought it would be the best to do than to fight it. Was I right to give in to temptation?

Dream 34: Demonic Possession

I was laying in bed and possessed by the devil. I was sweating and trying to fight it. My body felt like it was burning from the inside out. My eyes looked different. I was wearing a white night gown, but my hair was dark colored. Maybe it was brown or black. My hands and feet were strapped to the bed, and there was a priest standing beside me speaking in latin. I was screaming. It left my body and jumped into the priest. I escaped the room, and the priest started coming after everyone in the house. We tried running out of the house and down the street. Whoever tried leaving though was either seriously injured or killed. I was running down the street, and every bone in the left arm snapped in half. My entire arm spun backwards behind my body. I screamed. The devil didn't want me to escape. Then I woke up.