Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dream 36: Blood On The Walls

I was scraping paint off of the hallway wall to strip it and repaint. As I scraped it off I saw symbols smeared on the wall in blood. You could tell someone used their finger to smear it. It looked like finger paints. You could also tell it was real blood because it was a rusty brown from drying and being there for so long. I noticed that the symbols were satanic symbols. I kept scraping at the walls and more was appearing. I was scared and didn't want to admit that they were there. My bathroom door was shut and so was my grandmother's closet door. Red light as dark as blood creeped out of the edges of the doors. The doors opened slightly on their own. They were slamming shut and opening up, over and over, faster and faster. My grandmother paid no attention to it and she was in her bedroom watching TV and doing word searches. Then her bedroom door shut tight. I tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. Once I finally got it open, everyone was gone. I had heard her scream and the door opened. Now she was gone. The symbol on the wall were gone. Like nothing happened.

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