Thursday, January 10, 2008

RIP Dad (Entry 05)

My dad was in the hospital getting chemotherapy to get rid of his leukemia. Everything was fine until he got a blood infection. Since his immune system was at 12 instead of like 200,000, he had gotten very ill. He had a fever of 106 and ended up not being able to breathe on his own. They had put him on a ventilator to breathe and he had about 9 bags of fluids + antibiotics going through his body. Some were for pain which made him groggy and sleepy. He could only nod his head, squeeze his hands or blink to respond. After a week he was getting worse. His blood pressure dropped really low a few times and his heart rate was getting too high. It got to the point where nothing was gonna make him better. He was on dialysis because everything in his body was shutting down. They took him off the medication on Monday and we were all there in the room. My sister and brother were playing guitar for him and we played a song he loved. Me and my sister were both holding his hands. His blood pressure and heart rate slowly dropped every second. Everybody said their goodbyes and then he passed away at 6:40PM EST. It was really hard for everyone. Even my mom, and it was then that she realized she still loved my dad. I don't know how I'm gonna live without him. He was always there for me, always loved spending time with me, taught me everything. He was my hero, for being so strong and always full of life, not caring what other people thought. As every day passes I'll never forget my dad and how great he was. I'm glad he is not suffering anymore and that he's in a better place. I love him, and I'll never forget him. May he rest in peace. I love you, Dad. <33

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