Thursday, January 10, 2008

Entry 04

I keep wondering why is it that everyone who gets close to me dies. Mostly everyone dies in a car accident. When I was in middle school, there were two guys that I had liked and over the summer I found out they were in a car accident. Josh's mom and step-dad died in a car accident after I got close to him. My cousin, Rachel, who was only 22, died in a car accident. My cat got hit by a car. I would've been hit if I would've been there any sooner when I went to get the mail. I think I'm a magnet for death.

This week was horrible. My cat could have had leukemia, and the vet said the test was negative but there's still something wrong with him. His immune system is slowly killing himself by killing off white blood cells. My dad's leukemia is back, and now he has to get chemotherapy. He's debating whether he wants to go through it all again. I don't know how much longer my dad will be around, and it scares me. Along with that, my grandmother wants me out of the house because I have been standing up for myself, and she doesn't like it. She thinks I'm being a smartass or bitchy just because my dad is back.

Whenever I get angry or upset, she blames it on my mom, Ashley, my sister, or my dad. She thinks that everytime I go to see them I get pissed off, and I don't. It's because she is always on my ass telling me to do this, then do that. 24/7. I am not her slave, but yet she expects me to do anything and everything she tells me. Part of the reason I don't have many friends, and any relationships. When she tells me to get out, I'm actually happy because then I don't have to deal with her being so bossy.

Plain and simple: Life sucks! (especially around me)

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