Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dream 02: Death of a Loved One (Vision/Dream)

I had a dream about my cat, for three nights in a row before it actually happened, getting hit by a car. He had gotten out in the middle of the night and ended up at the road. My uncle was about to leave for work and saw him along the side of the road. I heard him come in and I woke right up and knew something was wrong. All I heard him say to my grandmother was "the cat". He was crying. I ran out and saw Toby in the back yard. He had carried him up from the road. He was still alive and could barely breathe. I broke into tears, and I started yelling "No!". He was bleeding and suffering so much pain. There was nothing I could do but watch my best friend die. I cried for days. I love him so much and I miss him too. I still think about him often. RIP Toby.

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