Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dream 32: Royal Vampiress

I was in another time. It was almost 500 years or so ago. Victorian-era, I guess. I was dressed in royal clothing. I had a ruby necklace around my neck. My hair was done up. It was midnight, and there was a masquerade party going on in a basement-like area of the castle. It was done there so no light would come in no matter what. I noticed that everyone there, including me, was a vampire. I had fangs, as did everyone else. Everyone was royalty. Even the help. I was in love with a man who loved me in return. The castle we were in was stone and old. Red velvet fabric everywhere. Curtains and all. All I could think of was the man that I loved. Where was he? I was searching for him all over and still no sign. I walk by some men who were drunk and fooling around. One man pushed the other into a pool of water on the floor. The men just laughed. I finally found my love. We kissed and licked each others' fangs. I could feel the heat in my veins. It was like liquid fire. Passion and lust burning through me. We were heading to the bedroom. Once we arrived to the bedroom, we opened the door, and I woke up.

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